
Aspire help you with a variety of issues involving children, for example:

  • Determining the primary residence of a child.
  • Establishing the time allocation for a child to spend with each parent or caregiver.
  • Making everyday and long-term decisions related to education, religion, and relocation.
  • Facilitating communication between a child and other important individuals in their life.

We specialise in creating comprehensive parenting agreements and filing consent orders in the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court. We guide you through each step before applying for a court order variation to adapt to the changing needs and circumstances of the child and the parties involved.

Additionally, we provide support for resolving disputes related to the terms of a parenting plan and assist parents facing alienation from their children in the following situations:

  • A child has been taken by one parent, leaving the other unaware of their whereabouts.
  • A child is at risk of being taken out of the country without the consent of both parents.
  •  A child is with one parent, and the other suspects the child may be in serious danger.
  • One parent intends to relocate with the child a significant distance from the other parent.
  • One parent has stopped a child spending time with the other parent.

We also understand the importance of maintaining a child’s connection with significant individuals, such as grandparents, and the complexities surrounding relocation, substance abuse, neglect, and child abuse.

Parenting Orders

Parenting Orders can be established through mutual consent of both parents (“Consent Orders”). Parenting orders are essential for reducing conflicts arising from uncertainties in parenting arrangements. Once sealed by the court both parties are legally bound to comply with each order.. Non compliance can result in one party instigating contravention proceedings. If the court finds the contravention to be proved, a parent can be forced to comply with the orders, fined or face imprisonment.

Federal Circuit Court and Family Court Litigation

In some cases, negotiations may not be feasible due to safety concerns for children, the presence of domestic violence, or urgent circumstances. In such situations, Aspire can guide you on how to initiate litigation in the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court.

Parents are encouraged to resolve parenting disputes independently, even after court proceedings have commenced. If an agreement cannot be reached, disputed parenting matters can take over two years to finalise in court. Our family lawyers are adept at managing prolonged litigation and have successfully assisted clients in achieving favorable outcomes at the conclusion of contentious hearings. While our expertise in navigating lengthy proceedings is noteworthy, our primary focus is on helping clients resolve disputes amicably, thereby minimizing costs and emotional distress.

If you need assistance with agreeing on parenting issues with your ex spouse, or obtaining Parenting Orders, our experts at Aspire Family Law are here to help. Contact us to schedule an appointment with a family lawyer at your nearest Aspire office.
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